Friday, September 21, 2007

Infralution Revolution

Infralution is an Australian software company that puts out a variety of products to help developers. I recently purchased their Infralution Licensing System (ILS). It has a companion component which will send out registration keys and works with Paypal's shopping cart called IPN.NET. Total cost for both products, including the source code of both (which is extremely important as I'll explain in the next paragraph) is only $180. I've implemented the licensing scheme in one of my products and it was easy to do, so easy in fact that I was able to do it in the middle of the night, tired and it compiled the first time, and worked the first time. When was the last time you had that happen to you? Thank the good example code that is included in the install.

The reason that it's important that you get the source code is because you can then integrate that source code into your own. This allows you to use your normal obfuscation techniques without creating any problems. Since obfuscation software is also somewhat expensive (relative to $180 for ILS and IPN.NET) it's excellent that they work together.

In short, I'm happy and if you are in the market for a licensing solution check out Infralution.


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