Friday, September 14, 2007

Free Program to Paid Product

I'm considering putting out a "Pro" version of Vizonware Organizer. The free version has met with good success and several people have taken the time to comment on the product and help me with reviews. Over the last four days, about 235 unique visitors have come to the website with 36 of those being Google or Yahoo bots. 36 copies of the product have been downloaded. That's about an 18.1% download rate, which I feel is pretty good for a product this young from an unknown vendor with almost zero search engine positioning. I'm expecting to add a couple of pretty useful features to the Professional product that the Standard (free) version won't have.

People seem to like the product, at least enough to engage in multi-day discussion with me about how it could be improved. My hope is that I can continue to provide functionality that will keep them interested in and using the product.

Have any comments on the product? Suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome. Email me here, at or josh {@}


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