Friday, September 21, 2007

Infralution Revolution

Infralution is an Australian software company that puts out a variety of products to help developers. I recently purchased their Infralution Licensing System (ILS). It has a companion component which will send out registration keys and works with Paypal's shopping cart called IPN.NET. Total cost for both products, including the source code of both (which is extremely important as I'll explain in the next paragraph) is only $180. I've implemented the licensing scheme in one of my products and it was easy to do, so easy in fact that I was able to do it in the middle of the night, tired and it compiled the first time, and worked the first time. When was the last time you had that happen to you? Thank the good example code that is included in the install.

The reason that it's important that you get the source code is because you can then integrate that source code into your own. This allows you to use your normal obfuscation techniques without creating any problems. Since obfuscation software is also somewhat expensive (relative to $180 for ILS and IPN.NET) it's excellent that they work together.

In short, I'm happy and if you are in the market for a licensing solution check out Infralution.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Free Program to Paid Product

I'm considering putting out a "Pro" version of Vizonware Organizer. The free version has met with good success and several people have taken the time to comment on the product and help me with reviews. Over the last four days, about 235 unique visitors have come to the website with 36 of those being Google or Yahoo bots. 36 copies of the product have been downloaded. That's about an 18.1% download rate, which I feel is pretty good for a product this young from an unknown vendor with almost zero search engine positioning. I'm expecting to add a couple of pretty useful features to the Professional product that the Standard (free) version won't have.

People seem to like the product, at least enough to engage in multi-day discussion with me about how it could be improved. My hope is that I can continue to provide functionality that will keep them interested in and using the product.

Have any comments on the product? Suggestions and constructive criticism is always welcome. Email me here, at or josh {@}

Vizonware Organizer v1.0.2.0 Released

Today, Vizonware Organizer v1.0.2.0 was released. It provides a couple of bug fixes and some new data exporting features. It now exports all your data to XML and to a tab delimited file that works nicely in Notepad and Excel.

If you are reinstalling the product uninstall the previous version first, and then install the new version. This will not delete your data, but does ensure that you get the proper version of the software installed without incident.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

.NET Deployment is a Failure

Deploy a .NET desktop application lately? I have done several; it's really annoying and expensive. Here's the things that you need to make a deployment happen for a shrink-wrapped desktop software product.

1. Obfuscator - you have to hide all that code you spent months working on. Especially since you don't want your software to be so easy to crack a four year old can do it. It'd be even cooler if this thing also acted like a linker and then compiled your .NET stuff to native code for Windows, but I digress.
2. Licensing - I believe you need three features from licensing: (1) timed evaluation, (2) ease of integration and (3) the ability to produce in an automated way through your payment processor (or even a 3rd party) a license key which will get rid of the time evaluation.
3. .NET Framework - Your customers are using Windows XP. Sorry Microsoft, I know that everyone was supposed to be using Windows Vista, but that plan didn't pan out. So, you have to make sure that the proper version of the .NET Framework is installed, and ideally you'd like to do that before your customer downloads your application (so you know whether to include it in the install or not). Alternatively, you can have your install download it, but then you're writing custom install stuff and not really following the "keeping clicking until it's installed" plan of your customers. How many cancel the install at that point?

Now, the fun part begins. You have to get all of these things to work seamlessly with each other. You'd best hope that your obfuscation doesn't mess up your third party libraries (are they themselves obfuscated, and if so, by the same program, and if so, will it still work) especially your licensing 3rd party tools. What? You wrote your own! Good luck. You have to hope that your licensing has a command line application you can install on your $9 per month server that you are renting (that's undoubtedly Linux, and thus doesn't support the Windows based license key generator that comes with your licensing 3rd party component). You have to hope you can find a linker than will link your obfuscated code, or compile it to native form. Do you know how much those are? Well, let's put it this way, I have to sell like 60 copies of my software in order to pay back the cost of the one I finally settled on (Yay consulting revenue for picking up the tab). Seriously, will the suffering ever end?

No, because now, even if you manage to have overcome all of that, you have either a 3rd party anti-virus product or Microsoft Vista to contend with during installation and during the running of your program. You did put your application data in the application data folder, right? You did move it from Program Files (where it lived forever with your executable because you're naughty)?

Okay, now I am just complaining. It's how I feel though. If I could buy one solution that would link my code, compile it to native form, provide secure licensing and generate license keys from the command line of a Linux machine (or even from within a PHP webpage or Python or something) I certainly would. I've already handed over about $1750 to try to get this sort of thing worked out across a variety of different products and projects. I'm certain that I would at least consider a product that did all of that in that price range.

Get to work MicroISVs, save me from myself. At one point I was seriously considering writing my next application in C. It's fast and distribution is a snap. Not to mention all the libraries and support for it. Am I actually considering this? Are we going forwards or backwards in terms of functionality and ease of use for programmers?

Vizonware Organizer Download

I've just released an entirely free application based on Marc Andresseen's Productivity blog post (here). It basically lets you easily track the 3 lists he mentions. It also lets you add notes to tasks (or projects, whatever you want to call them). Additionally, it saves everything every 1 minute, so you don't have much chance of loosing data. It runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista. Conceivably, you could run it under Mono on various forms of Linux or OSX, but I haven't tested that, nor do I make any claim it will work.

Did I mention that this program is *FREE* to download and use forever? Here's the URL:

If you have any questions, requests or ideas, please do not hesitate to email me.

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If you find this blog, and it looks like it's completely dead, then that means I wrote and posted stuff on my personal blog instead. It's at:

I will be posted to both locations (when appropriate for the article) from now on.